Thursday, February 23, 2012

Will Gas Prices Ever Stop Rising?

     Yesterday,  I went to the gas station to fill up my Toyota Corolla, and it cost me over forty dollars. Forty dollars! Three years ago the average gas price was $1.80 per gallon, today the prices are about $3.60 per gallon. That is absolutley absurd! My question is, why are these prices constantly rising?
    From what is said on the news, President Obama blames the gas prices on the instability in the Middle East and the current affair with Iran. Also, according to Obama, drilling more gas will not lower the prices either. So are prices just going to keep rising to the point where it it going to cost over $5.00 a gallon? This is going to be a major problem for the American economy. Rising gas prices drag down consumer spending and can cause financial hardships at home.
              I think the American government needs to get a hold of why these prices keep rising. It is costing me at least $150 a month to fill up my tank to go to work and go to school. It is mind boggling and frustrating that no one really knows why they are going up because not to long ago it was fifty cents cheaper.
Click here to read an opinion on gas prices


Absurd-extremely unreasonable

Instability-a state of being very unstable

Economy-management of resources such as money, materials and labor.

Drag Down-to depress or demoralize

Hardships-extreme suffering

Mind Boggling-mentally or emotionally overwhelming

Vocabulary Exercise

________ in an _________ can be extremely frustrating for the country that is going through a hard time. There are many things that can ___________ the economy that can lead to many different _____________ for the consumers. People can lose their jobs when they are over qualified, which is absolutely ___________. It is __________________ to me that people can get laid off every single day and there are little changes made each day.

Grammer Point
Find all of the proper nouns in the blog entry and use them in a different sentence and explain why they are proper nouns.

Write a paragraph on something that frustrates you!


  1. It's scary to see how the gas prices are rising, yet we have few alternatives but to deal with it and pay up at the pump! Will there ever be any relief or will the numbers keep rising? Great point you're making here, I hope we see them go down soon!!!

  2. Great vocabulary and entry! The price is just awful, and as soon as summer comes, it will be worse.
