Tuesday, April 10, 2012

The One Reason I Hate Spring...

...ALLERGIES. Spring is a beautiful time of year, trees and flowers start to bloom and its beautiful, the days are longer, being outside is great, but, what people tend to forget is that when flowers begin to bloom, they let loose all of the pollen and the affect that it  can have on people can make them miserable! 
     Each March, I just always expect the worst. Around this time of year, my eyes water non stop, my nose and ears are always itching, and my chest feels tight. I have tried taking medication for these seasonal allergies, but they usually just put me to sleep and unfortunately I can not sleep all day like I would want too. So usually,  I just try and stick it out to get everything I need to get done during the day, but it is so frustrating to not feel healthy for about five months. 


Allergies-a sensitivity to a harmless substance that causes a strong reaction to the body

Pollen- a powdery substance produced by flowers that contains cells.

Miserable- experience a serious lack of contentment or happiness. 

Itching- to have an irritating sensation on the body that provokes scratching
Medication- a drug to treat an illness. 

Frustrating- to discourage someone. 

Vocabulary Exercise: Fill in the Blank

____________ is a substance that is produced by plants that can have a _____________ effect on a person. Seasonal __________ can be the one of the worst parts of spring/summer. Allergies can cause intense ___________  and can make a person feel absolutely ____________. Usually, there is ____________ out there that can help a person feel better but sometimes they do not work. 

Grammar Point
Find all of the nouns in the paragraph and explain what kind of noun they are.

Writing Exercise
Write a paragraph on something that really frustrates you and why. 

Take me out to the ball game!

Finally! It is that time of year! Major League Baseball (MLB) is finally back and I can't help but love the New York Yankees! I have been an intense Yankee fan since I was a kid; I was introduced to them by my dad. One of my favorite memories as a kid, that I still love to do today, is to go to the games and root for my team. There are obviously better games to go to, such as when they play the Rays, the Mets, and especially the Red Sox of Boston. Team rivalries are awesome especially when the Yankees are playing on their home field. 

One of my favorite players on the Yankees is Derek Jeter. I know that sounds very cliche and that is everyone answer but he is a great player, and he loves his team. He does what is best for his team and you can tell that in every game he gives his all. He is an all around great team player. I cannot wait for the season to really get going and see how each team looks and eventually get to the playoffs. 


Major League Baseball- the league that professional baseball players play in.

Intense- great, strong, or extreme in a way that can be felt.

Rivalries- when two things are competing with each other. 

Home Field- the field that the team practices on. 

Cliche- phrase or idea that is NOT original

Playoffs- additional games or round that decides the winners of the league. 

Vocabulary Exercise 
Matching. Match the vocabulary words on the left with the antonyms on the right. 

INTENSE                                                                                  AWAY FIELD

HOME FIELD                                                                          TEAMMATES

PLAYOFFS                                                                               N.H.L

RIVALRIES                                                                              MODERATE

M.L.B.                                                                                         ORIGINAL

CLICHE                                                                                     REGULAR SCHEDULE

Grammar Point:
The paragraph above is in present tense. Change the paragraph into past tense.

Writing Exercise:
Is there any sports team that you love to watch? Write a paragraph on why you love this team?