Sunday, March 11, 2012

St. Patrick's Day Insanity

         Well as you all know, St. Patrick's Day is coming up on Saturday. For as long as I can remember, St. Patrick's Day, has been a day where teenagers think it is okay to go on an all day drinking binge. I won't lie, I had participated in these events when I was in high school, but these days it has gotten so out of hand that it is on another level. I have heard horror stories about "Irish Day" and St. Patricks Day, about teenagers drinking so much that they end up in the hospital, or even worse dying because they were drunk and ran across the street at the wrong time.

         I went to SUNY Albany and for St. Patricks Day, they have an event called Kegs and Eggs. All of the college students wake up at 3:00am to start drinking because the bars open at 5am. 5am! It is absolutley absurd that the bars open that early but they do. Well last year, while I was a senior, students started a riot in downtown Albany because they were drunk and bored. A riot broke out, cars were flipped and people were hurt. Most of the students involved were kicked out of school right away, and most of them were seniors. There are videos all over YouTube on it, and when I saw these people flipping cars and beating each other up it actually made me sick. I just hope that people get a hold of their drinking and try and control themselves on this holiday.


St. Patrick's Day-a holiday that celebrates Irish American Culture.

Binge- when someone eats or drinks to much in a short period of time

Horror Stories- a story that can be described as frightening or scary

Drunk-having loss of control because of drinking to much alcohol.

Event-an organized occurance that can be exciting

Riot-a public disturbance during which an angry mob that can lead to damaging property.

Vocabulary Exercise: Matching

WORDS                                                                                  SYNONYM 

Binge                                                                                     Intoxicated

Riot                                                                                        Irish Celebration

Drunk                                                                                   Occasion

Event                                                                                     Induldge, Gorge

Horror Stories                                                                   Frightening

St. Patrick's Day                                                                Uprising

Grammar Point
Point out all of the adverbs and the words that they are modifying.

Write a paragraph on your favorite holiday and why.

1 comment:

  1. Awful incident! I hadn't heard about it. St. Patrick would be horrified.
