When studying abroad, I was required to take two classes; the classes were Italian and The History of Italian Art. The classes were extremely helpful because each morning, I learned a great deal of Italian to communicate with the locals and I learned about the amazing architecture, art, sculpture, and painting of Rome throughout history. Because I studied in Rome, I knew that I wanted to become a teacher and teach art history from the renaissance era.
My classmates and I did a lot of traveling while we were in Italy. We went to many different cities up and down the Italian coast including Assisi, Florence, Venice, Capri, Pisa, and Tivoli. Each and every city was magnificent in its own way and I learned so much about the amazing history that Italy has to offer. For example, Florence is the city where the Renaissance first began, Pisa had the leaning tower that will one day eventually fall, and Venice was a city on water and boat rides were necessarily to navigate through the city. Studying in Italy changed my life forever. Each city taught me something that I never knew before, and I fell absolutely in love with the country.
Click here to learn more about ITALY.
COMFORT ZONE- a sense of security you when you are doing something or trying to complete something
STUDY ABROAD- going to school in different countries
REQUIRED-something that is necessary to complete
ARCHITECTURE-buildings and cultural symbols of art of different countries
RENAISSANCE-revival of art and literature during the 14th century
MAGNIFICENT-impressively beautiful and extravagant
NAVIGATE-to direct any form of transportation by using different technologie, to find your way
Vocabulary Exercise
The ____________ was a point in time in history where _____________ art, sculptures, , and new political structure formed all over Europe. Artists and sculptors really stepped out of their ____________ when they were ________ to create these ___________ portraits of people with new rich colors and have many depths that people have never seen before. If you ever get the chance to ________ in Italy, France or even Greece, you should __________ your way to see the amazing art that was created throughout history.
Grammar Point:
The verbs in the story about adapting to change are in the past tense. Find them in the passage . Write in your own words what they mean.
Such an interesting trip!